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TSD BOE Meeting- 2/8/21
Posted on: February 5, 2021
The Talawanda Board of Education will host their regular monthly business meeting on Monday 2/8/2021 at 7pm.
Please use the Zoom Webinar link if you are tuning in from home, AND wish to make a comment during public participation. Thank you for your understanding for any sound quality issues that we may experience with Zoom Webinar, as there can be interference due to the many external microphones needed to conduct both an in person meeting and a virtual meeting that includes opportunities for public comment. Comments from members of the community are only permitted during the Public Participation portion of the meeting.
- If you wish to attend the meeting in person it will be hosted in the THS Auditorium at 7pm. All mask/social distancing measures must be adhered to in accordance with the mandates of the Butler County Health Department and the State of Ohio. Public Participation can be done in person at the appropriate time during the meeting.
- You may watch the meeting (but public participation is NOT available on this link) via the TSD Youtube Channel at the following link- Talawanda Youtube- Channel 85
- If you wish to login to the ZOOM Webinar meeting because you wish to make a comment during the Public Participation portion of the meeting you may do so at the following link - Please click the link below to join the webinar: UkVPNWxIb2I1ZXY3UFZ1Q0tUMFQ2QT 09
Passcode: brave
Webinar ID: 985 6728 0268
Passcode: 220763