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REMINDER- Regarding Day 6 Learning
Posted on: February 16, 2021

TSD Parents & Students:
The state of Ohio provides for 5 calamity days for public schools. These are days that can be used for unforeseen events, like severe weather, etc. These days do not have to be made up at the end of the school year.
Talawanda is fortunate to be able to now utilize other learning opportunities, once the 5 calamity days have been exhausted. Talawanda has now used all 5 calamity days. If there is a need to cancel school again, due to severe weather, or any other unforeseen circumstances, Day 6 and beyond will result in a remote learning day for students and staff. Please note that for each school level, grade level, and program, the remote learning strategies will be different and designed to be developmentally appropriate for the age of the child.
Please note that at THS & TMS Wednesdays will continue to be asynchronous school days the remainder of the school year, regardless of the weather or other potential events.
You, and or your child should be receiving information from their teachers, so that everyone can understand the expectations for Day 6 and beyond, should there be a need to institute additional school closings due to weather/etc.
For any student that may be experiencing issues with their Zoom account, please refer to the helpful video information below.
Video Link: com/file/d/ 12uexVmpvuF1327bNmS_ 97O3ohET3ElYm/view
This video provides the step-by-step process to consolidate student accounts into the larger Talawanda zoom account.
Some general reminders if you get questions:
1) login using the "sign in through google" icon at the website
2) user name is student school email address: first.last@
3) password is the student lunch number followed by lower case "tsd". Example: 4xxxxxtsd
Please contact your child's teacher or your child's school if you have specific questions or need assistance.
Thank you.
TSD Administration