Kramer Enews 2/5/21
Happy Friday, we hope you have had a great week.
Looking ahead, there is no school for students on Friday, February 12, 2021, and Monday, February 15, 2021. February 12th is a teacher professional development day and February 15th is in observance of Presidents Day.
Reminder to TSD Parents
Low Temperatures and snow are predicted for the weekend and next week. Student safety is very important, and we want to remind parents to check the weather and to make sure students are dressed warm. During very low temperatures coats, hats, and gloves are needed.
If your child needs assistance with any clothing items, please contact:
Nurse Chelsea-
Mrs. Pike (Social Worker)-
Mr. Merz-
TSD makes decisions regarding school delays and inclement weather on a case by case basis, and we track the weather and road conditions frequently. We want to make sure everyone is prepared for the weather we will experience during the next few weeks for the safety and well being of all of our students and staff.
Thank you and be safe!
Leukemia & Lymphoma Society- Hero Squad- Mrs, Eckerle
We kicked off our fundraiser for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society with our classes that had PE this week! Your student should bring home a copy of this letter when they have PE this month. Something different this year is that the fundraiser will be completely online. Students will not be bringing money or collection envelopes into school. Families who choose to participate can create an online account and submit donations through their website!
Instructions on how to set up the website are in the attached letter!
Thank you for your support!
Mrs. Eckerle
TSD Staff Vaccinations
TSD staff received their first vaccinations on February 4, 2021. TSD will receive their 2nd vaccination on Thursday, February 25, 2021. This will be an asynchronous learning day for students.
Talawanda School District will NOT provide transportation to Butler Tech, parochial, private, and other schools on Thursday, February 25, 2021. Our bus drivers will also be vaccinated.
Yearbooks On Sale
Order your yearbook today at I.D. Code 7399321
Yearbook Update- Ms. Hargis
Hello parents! My name is Brittany Hargis, I am a 3rd-grade teacher here at Kramer. Some of you I already know, but some will be new to me! I am creating the yearbook this year and wanted to reach out to parents to help with pictures! As I am sure you all know, teachers aren't at every event so we miss a lot of those picture-perfect moments, especially this year with starting our year online. I have created a share site for pictures to help gather some of those things that teachers miss! A letter should have gone home sometime last week explaining the share site, but if any of you are like me, I know that papers can sometimes go missing, but an email can stay forever.
On the share site, there are several different folders such as one for each grade level, the first day of school, extracurriculars, etc. It would be amazing if you all could add photos to your child's grade level and also another category if it fits. This will help a ton, as I do not know every child, particularly the ones that haven't made it to me yet!
In order to add photos you have to request access, so not just anyone can see the site and I will approve the request once checked. Here is the link to the site
To my at-home learners: I know many of you were not here for picture day so please send me,, an individual photo of yourself with a plain background, your name, and teacher, so I can add your bright and smiling face to the yearbook!
Thank you all so much for helping to make this a one of a kind and special yearbook!
Attention Remote Learners & Community Members who use Kramer Elementary for the TSD Food Program:
Please see this new flyer for the Food Distribution Program ***New Flyer for 1/19/21
Elementary Lunch Menu- Updated for February
Kindergarten Registration for 21-22 School Year
The Talawanda School District is currently taking calls for Kindergarten Registration for the 21-22 school year. Please contact the elementary school for your area. If you are unsure of which elementary school your child will attend each of our schools will help you get to the correct school. When you call we will take down some information and then will email you a packet of information and a link to our online registration forms. Please be sure to have an active email address.
School fees & Chromebook insurance for face to face learners can be paid on the Talawanda website via EZPay. Remote learners can pay Chromebook insurance through EZPay. Any questions, call the office at 513-273-3500.
PAX Tools for School @ Home
Please use this link to learn more about PAX Tools for School @ Home. This is for parents and caregivers who are facilitating a child’s schoolwork at home.
QPR Training
QPR is an effective training that will prepare the participants to get someone in a mental health crisis to help. Please see this flyer for more information.
People United for Self Help- PUSH
PUSH has funding for furnace and water heater repairs or replacements. Grants are available to low-income, homeowners in the Talawanda School District for critical and emergency home repairs. Call Jeanne or Sabrina at 513-523-8100 for more information
Talawanda Brave Softball Youth Clinic 2021
Please see the information for the softball clinic from THS Head Coach, Mr. Davie.
Goggin Valentine’s Skate
Goggin Ice Center is offering a Valentine’s Day skate on February 13th. Please see the attached flyer.
Talawanda Community Events Page
Please use this link for the Talawanda Community Events Page.
Enjoy the weekend!
Jason Merz
February 12- Teacher Professional Day- No School
February 15 - President’s Day- No School
February 19 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
February 25- No School- Asynchronous Learning Day
March 5 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
March 15 - Teacher Work Day - No School
March 16- Conferences
March 18- Conferences
March 19 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
March 22 - Deadline for ordering Yearbook
March 22 - 26- Spring Break - No School
April 2 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
April 16 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
April 30 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
May 7 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
May 21 - Remote Materials Pick Up Day
Covid-19 Guidelines (Previously Shared)
If anyone in your household is being tested for Covid-19 and you are waiting for results, you must keep all of your children at home until you receive the results. When you receive the results please contact our school nurse and she can provide you with further information.
If anyone in your household is experiencing any of the following symptoms: Cough, Shortness of Breath, or NEW loss of taste and/or smell, please keep all of your children home until you have more information from a doctor on the cause of the symptoms.
If anyone in your household has two (2) or more of the following symptoms please keep all of your children home until you have more information from a doctor on the cause of the symptoms.
- Chills/fever
- Congestion (nasal or sinus)/Runny nose
- Fatigue
- Headache
- Muscle/body aches
- Nausea/Vomiting/Diarrhea
- Sore throat
Updated Quarantine Guidelines
Since students are not wearing masks during snack/lunchtimes, we will need to quarantine students who sit within 6 feet of any positive case of Covid-19. Within the classroom, students who are within 3 feet of a positive case for 15+ minutes in a day while wearing a mask will need to quarantine. Each situation will be evaluated on a case by case basis when deciding individual versus whole class quarantine. When individual students are quarantined, teachers will follow the following guidelines for supplying work to students:
- Teachers will post student work in Google Classroom or SeeSaw. Hard copies of materials may also be made available for pickup or drop off.
- Teachers will provide a check-in on Wednesdays during the early release time for quarantined students via Zoom.
- Teachers do not need to provide a Zoom link for quarantined students to join a live classroom.
- Intervention Specialists and related services staff will provide a Zoom link and provide their SDI during their current "live instruction" time for quarantined students. By law, this is mandatory.
- If an entire class is quarantined, the teacher will then provide live instruction via Zoom for the days everyone is in quarantine.
In order to use a reduced timeline, we still have to follow the non-pharmaceutical interventions for the full 14 days. Since we cannot maintain 6 feet of distance between all of the students at school, we cannot have them return earlier than the 14 days. For outside of school, you may look into the steps for a shortened quarantine time. Thank you for your understanding.
Bus Reminder - Regarding Mask
Please remember that your child must wear their mask at all times while on the school bus. Students need to have them on before boarding the bus - it may be helpful to place a back up mask in their backpack. Our drivers have a very limited supply of emergency masks available to hand out to students who do not have a mask. Drivers will refer students to the office who repeatedly show up to the bus without a mask on. Thank you for your cooperation and help in keeping everyone safe and in school.
TSD Travel Advisory Rules - Still in Effect
Effective Immediately, Talawanda School District will implement self quarantining for 14 days for any student or staff member that travels to a hotspot state. Per the NEW CDC Guidelines, a person who does not demonstrate any Covid-19 symptoms AND who can provide the district with a negative Covid-19 test result on days 5, 6, or 7 of the quarantine, may be permitted to return to school or work earlier. In addition, the school or work environment must meet the requirement that the person will have 6 feet of social distance from other staff and students throughout the work and school day.
The Ohio Health Department & the Butler County Health Department recommend that people self-quarantine for 14 days upon returning from a state that is listed as a hotspot for Covid-19. A hotspot is a state that is reporting positive Covid-19 rates of 15% or higher. Please see the link to the map, as the states listed can change.
Travel Advisory States from ODH
From the Health Department
Public Health Commissioners in Butler County Strongly Encourage Staying at Home, Whenever Possible
“We are at a critical point in the response to the coronavirus pandemic," says Jennifer Bailer Health Commissioner for the Butler County General Health District (BCGHD).
Hospitalizations of COVID-19 patients in Southwest Ohio have increased by 67% over the last 2 weeks and COVID-19 patients in the ICU have increased by 50% over the same time. Butler County has had a surge in COVID-19 cases and visits to the hospital since the beginning of October. “We had been setting records the last two weeks with around 200-250 cases reported each day. However, over the weekend Butler County had over 900 cases reported from Friday to Sunday, with a new record of 376 cases in a single day,” said Jordan Luttrell-Freeman, Epidemiologist. The City of Hamilton and the City of Middletown Health Departments report similar trends.
"When the pandemic began in March, we were concerned about our medical facilities having enough PPE. Now it is the people. Hospitals and other healthcare facilities have been working tirelessly since March and feeling the impacts of staff shortages. They too are impacted by COVID and many need to stay home because they or their families are ill or in quarantine. We must protect our healthcare workers by doing our part and staying at home as much as possible, especially if you are sick, in quarantine or isolation, or waiting for test results," states Bailer.
I live in Butler County, what should I do?
- If you are sick:
- Stay home for 10 days. After 10 days if your symptoms are better and you have had no fever for 24 hours without medicine, you are considered recovered and can go out.
- If you are waiting for a test result:
- Stay home! Do NOT go out, to school or to work while you wait!
- If you have been exposed to a positive COVID-19 case, or think you have:
- Stay home for 14 days! Do NOT go out, to school or to work!
- If you are positive for COVID-19, notify all your close contacts to stay home for 14 days.
What else can I do?
- Avoid gatherings, limit contact with people outside of your household, and reconsider holiday plans
- Keep six (6) feet of distance from others
- Wear a mask
- Including while inside around non-household members.
- Wash your hands
People with questions about COVID-19 can call the Ohio Department of Health COVID-19 Call Center, 7 days a week from 9 AM – 8 PM at 1-833-4-ASK-ODH (1-833-427-5634) or contact their local health department. Butler County residents call 513-863-1770