Blog Entries - August 2019
Kramer Enews 8/29/19
Kramer- E-news 8/29/19 We had a great week! Everyone is getting into their routines and procedures. Thank you to everyone for a great start to the school year. Reminder No School Students are not in school on Friday, August 30, 2019 for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/29/19
Kramer- E-news 8/29/19 We had a great week! Everyone is getting into their routines and procedures. Thank you to everyone for a great start to the school year. Reminder No School Students are not in school on Friday, August 30, 2019 for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndK-5 Report Card Changes
Kramer Enews 8/23/19
Kramer- E-news 8/23/19 The kindergarten and 1st grade students had a great 1st week of school! Our 2nd through 5th grade students are off to a great start. Kramer Parent Teacher Group (PTG) welcomes you to the 2019-20 school year. Our first
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/23/19
Kramer- E-news 8/23/19 The kindergarten and 1st grade students had a great 1st week of school! Our 2nd through 5th grade students are off to a great start. Kramer Parent Teacher Group (PTG) welcomes you to the 2019-20 school year. Our first
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD NEW Strategic Plan
August 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights
2019 Teckman Award
Congratulations to the Kramer 5th Grade Team- 2019 Teckman Award Recipients!
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/16/19
Kramer- E-news 8/16/19 We have had a great week! The 2nd through 5th graders are eager to learn and they are following the Kramer Code- Take Care of Myself, Take Care of Others and Take Care of Kramer. We are excited to see all of the kindergarten and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/16/19
Kramer- E-news 8/16/19 We have had a great week! The 2nd through 5th graders are eager to learn and they are following the Kramer Code- Take Care of Myself, Take Care of Others and Take Care of Kramer. We are excited to see all of the kindergarten and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLINK- Final Forms
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Kramer Enews August 9, 2019
Kramer- E-news 8/9/19 Welcome to the 2019-20 school year. The Kramer staff is looking forward to a great year. Here are a few reminders before school starts. Open House will be held on Tuesday, August 13th from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews August 9, 2019
Kramer- E-news 8/9/19 Welcome to the 2019-20 school year. The Kramer staff is looking forward to a great year. Here are a few reminders before school starts. Open House will be held on Tuesday, August 13th from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please
Blog Entry Synopsis End