Blog Entries - August 2017
Kramer Enews 8/25/17
Happy Friday! We had an amazing week! The class of 2030 started kindergarten on Monday. We were able to view the solar eclipse and the students were taught some amazing lessons this week! We are off to a great start at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/25/17
Happy Friday! We had an amazing week! The class of 2030 started kindergarten on Monday. We were able to view the solar eclipse and the students were taught some amazing lessons this week! We are off to a great start at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndBOE August Meeting Highlights
August 2017- Board of Education Meeting Summary 1. Opening of Meeting A. Roll Call 2. Executive Session A. Executive Session 3. Reconvene in Open Session A. Approval of Agenda B. Pledge of Allegiance C. Welcome to Visitors and Public
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/18/17
Happy Friday! We have had a great week back with our 1st through 5th grade students. Kindergarten students will start school on Monday. The buses may run a few minutes late. Please be patient, we want to make sure everyone
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/18/17
Happy Friday! We have had a great week back with our 1st through 5th grade students. Kindergarten students will start school on Monday. The buses may run a few minutes late. Please be patient, we want to make sure everyone
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTalawanda School District- Letter/August 21, 2017 Eclipse Event
Solar Eclipse Viewing at Talawanda School District On August 21, 2017, Talawanda School District will have an opportunity to view the total solar eclipse due to our location. This event is being called “The Great American Solar Eclipse,”
Blog Entry Synopsis EndEZPay
EzPay is a convenient way to pay school fees or put money on a child's lunch account.
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