Blog Entries - May 2022
Press Release- TMS-Events of 5/25/22
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - May 25, 2022 TMS Lockdown Today & Student Threats This morning the TMS administration learned of a potential threat that a student made towards another TMS student, and as a result TMS was placed on
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/20/22
Kramer Enews 5/20/22 School News and Information Happy Friday! This will be the last E-News for the 2021-2022 school year. Thank you for a great school year! We are in the home stretch. We have tons of fun activities planned for the
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HCC Meeting on May 19, 2022 (Virtual)
Kramer Enews 5/19/22
Kramer Enews 5/13/22 School News and Information Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! The last 3 days of school will be early release days. Tuesday, May 24th - Dismissal at 3:15 pm Wednesday, May 25th - Dismissal at 3:15
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/6/22
Kramer Enews 5/6/22 School News and Information Happy Friday! The year is starting to come to a close. We know that everyone is getting excited and we want to keep working through these next few weeks while mixing in some special events. Thank
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