Blog Entries - May 2020
TSD - Treasurer Search Information
Kramer Enews 5/22/20
Kramer Elementary E-News May 22, 2020 School News and Information We made it. Thank you to the parents, students, Kramer staff and our district support team. This has been an extremely challenging time for everyone. I was
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/22/20
Kramer Elementary E-News May 22, 2020 School News and Information We made it. Thank you to the parents, students, Kramer staff and our district support team. This has been an extremely challenging time for everyone. I was
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMay 21, 2020 BOE Virtual Meeting Link
May 21, 2020 BOE Virtual Meeting Link- Graduation Meeting Link
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/15/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News May 15, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! Thank you the grade level teachers and families for setting out and picking up items this week. Thank you to Mrs. Eckerle for organizing our, “Virtual
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/15/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News May 15, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! Thank you the grade level teachers and families for setting out and picking up items this week. Thank you to Mrs. Eckerle for organizing our, “Virtual
Blog Entry Synopsis EndRequest for Proposal
REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL (RFP) SPECIAL NEEDS PUPIL TRANSPORTATION SERVICES The Talawanda School District Board of Education is requesting proposals for the provision of special needs pupil transportation services which includes the provision of
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTalawanda-Sew Masks-Donation Project
Talawanda Community Members: Throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic many of you have reached out to me and other other district officials asking how you can help! Thank you for being amazing and caring so much for the students and families in our
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD BOE May 11th Meeting Link
Talawanda Board of Education Meeting- May 11, 2020
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/8/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News May 8, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday!Next week families can pick up materials from Kramer. Teachers have been sharing the plan with families. May 11- 1st grade May 12- 2nd grade May 13-
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/8/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News May 8, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday!Next week families can pick up materials from Kramer. Teachers have been sharing the plan with families. May 11- 1st grade May 12- 2nd grade May 13-
Blog Entry Synopsis EndStudent Meal Program Flyer May 2020
Kramer Enews 5/1/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News May 1, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week!Only a few new announcements this week. We have made it to May! The grade levels continue to collaborate, plan and share
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/1/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News May 1, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week!Only a few new announcements this week. We have made it to May! The grade levels continue to collaborate, plan and share
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