Blog Entries - April 2021
Kramer Enews 4/30/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 4/30/21 Happy Friday! We have officially wrapped up spring Ohio state testing. We have some students that need to make up a few tests, but the majority of students have completed all tests. Thank you to all of our 3rd, 4th,
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/23/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 4/23/21 Happy Friday! We had a busy week with both our Face to Face and Remote Learners in grades 3-5 taking state tests. Our Face to Face learners will be tested again next week. Testing will continue for 3rd, 4th,
Blog Entry Synopsis EndBOE Meeting-4/19/21
Regular Meeting Monday, April 19, 2021 TALAWANDA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICTBOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR SESSIONTalawanda High School****************************************************6:00 p.m. Executive Session7:00 p.m. Public SessionBOE Meetings will be
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/1/2021
KRAMER E-NEWS 4/1/21 Happy Thursday! There is no school tomorrow, April 2, 2021. Students return to school on Monday, April 5, 2021. Kramer 2021/22 PTG Election Below is a link to approve the slate of nominees for the Kramer PTG
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