Blog Entries - April 2019
Congratulations to Mrs. Aerni- NEW TMS Assistant Principal!
News Release COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OFFICE · (513) 273-3209 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -April 16, 2019 Contact:Holli Morrish- Director Cell:(513)
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCongratulations to Mrs. Aerni- NEW TMS Assistant Principal!
News Release COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OFFICE · (513) 273-3209 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -April 16, 2019 Contact:Holli Morrish- Director Cell:(513)
Blog Entry Synopsis EndVideo Message from Dr. Theroux to staff/students during state testing season!
Kramer Enews 4/12/19
Kramer- E-news 4/12/19 TSD Spring Break Students in TSD will be on Spring Break starting next Friday, April 19, 2019. Students and staff will return to school on Monday, April 29, 2019. Butter Braids Pick up If you ordered Butter
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/12/19
Kramer- E-news 4/12/19 TSD Spring Break Students in TSD will be on Spring Break starting next Friday, April 19, 2019. Students and staff will return to school on Monday, April 29, 2019. Butter Braids Pick up If you ordered Butter
Blog Entry Synopsis End2019 Parent Satisfaction Survey
Parents please take a few minutes to complete this year's Parent Satisfaction Survey! We greatly appreciate your input and participation in helping to create and support an optimal educational environment for our students. Thank
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/5/2019
Kramer- E-news 4/5/19 The Ohio State Test will be given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students starting in April. All three grade levels will be testing next week. In order to help your child do their best on these test, be sure they get a goods
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/5/2019
Kramer- E-news 4/5/19 The Ohio State Test will be given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students starting in April. All three grade levels will be testing next week. In order to help your child do their best on these test, be sure they get a goods
Blog Entry Synopsis End