Blog Entries - March 2020
Open Enrollment/Intradistrict Transfer UPDATE
Talawanda will begin accepting forms by U.S.P.S (MAIL ONLY) beginning April 6, 2020 for open enrollment and intra-district transfers. We will date and time-stamp the forms as we receive them. All forms must be mailed to the Board of Education
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Special Enews 3/31/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News March 31, 2020 School News and Information Good Morning Kramer Families! You have probably already heard that yesterday, March 30, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement ordering all of
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Kramer Elementary E-News March 31, 2020 School News and Information Good Morning Kramer Families! You have probably already heard that yesterday, March 30, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine made an announcement ordering all of
Blog Entry Synopsis EndGovernor DeWine Extends School Closures to May 1, 2020
March 30, 2020 Dear Parents and Guardians: Governor Mike DeWine announced today that schools will continue to be closed through May 1, 2020 due to the COVID-19 health crisis. At that time the situation in Ohio will be reevaluated. We know
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Special Enews 3/30/2020
Kramer Elementary E-News March 30, 2020 School News and Information Happy Monday! I hope that you were able to enjoy the nice weather the past couple of days and get outside in your yard. This is certainly a new experience for almost
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Kramer Elementary E-News March 30, 2020 School News and Information Happy Monday! I hope that you were able to enjoy the nice weather the past couple of days and get outside in your yard. This is certainly a new experience for almost
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TSD Food Program-Updates- Mondays & Fridays Talawanda -FOOD DISTRIBUTION UPDATE! As we maneuver through this new way of life, we want to keep you as updated as possible with our attempts to keep our students healthy and nourished. This week we are
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Please NOTE the Updated information regarding Dates/Times/Locations of the TSD Food Distribution Program! Please also note that families can choose any site and pick up for each of their children there, regardless of whether the children attend
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Special Enews 3/20/20
Kramer Elementary E-News March 20, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! We are into our 3rd official day of Online Learning Days. I am sure that you have been overwhelmed by the amount of information shared with you (I know I
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Special Enews 3/20/20
Kramer Elementary E-News March 20, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! We are into our 3rd official day of Online Learning Days. I am sure that you have been overwhelmed by the amount of information shared with you (I know I
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Special Enews 3/17/20
Kramer Elementary E-News March 18, 2020 All buildings will be staffed on Wednesday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm to pick up any medication, devices or work. We are also in the building to answer any questions you may have. Throughout this
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Kramer Elementary E-News March 18, 2020 All buildings will be staffed on Wednesday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm to pick up any medication, devices or work. We are also in the building to answer any questions you may have. Throughout this
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer SPECIAL ENEWS 3/16/20
Kramer Elementary E-News March 16, 2020 All buildings will be staffed on Monday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm to pick up any medication, devices or work. We are also in the building to answer any questions you may have. Spanish Version of School
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer SPECIAL ENEWS 3/16/20
Kramer Elementary E-News March 16, 2020 All buildings will be staffed on Monday from 9:00 am - 12:00 pm to pick up any medication, devices or work. We are also in the building to answer any questions you may have. Spanish Version of School
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD Parent Letter-COVID-19 3/12/20
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT__________________________________ March 12, 2020 Dear Talawanda Students, Families, and Community, Talawanda School District just received word from the Butler County Health Department that ALL
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD Parent Letter in Spanish
OFICINA DEL SUPERINTENDENTE __________________________________ 12 de marzo de 2020- 4:55 pm Estimado miembro del personal de Talawanda, El gobernador de Ohio, Mike DeWine, emitió una orden hoy para cerrar las escuelas en Ohio a
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKRAMER-Special Enews 3/13/20
Kramer Elementary Weekly E-News March 13, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! We know it has been a crazy week and we are certainly headed into unchartered territory. We also know that information is constantly changing and
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Kramer Elementary Weekly E-News March 13, 2020 School News and Information Happy Friday! We know it has been a crazy week and we are certainly headed into unchartered territory. We also know that information is constantly changing and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndChange in Circumstance/Need Assistance/COVID-19
Talawanda Families: If you have had a change in circumstance due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 we encourage you to contact the school social worker at your child's school to apply for free/reduced meals ( FREE & Reduced Application ). TALAWANDA
Blog Entry Synopsis EndChange in Circumstance/Need Assistance/COVID-19
Talawanda Families: If you have had a change in circumstance due to the Coronavirus COVID-19 we encourage you to contact the school social worker at your child's school to apply for free/reduced meals ( FREE & Reduced Application ). TALAWANDA
Blog Entry Synopsis EndUPDATE- COVID-19-District Information Letter 3/11/2020
OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT__________________________________ March 11, 2020 Dear Talawanda Students, Families, and Community, Ohio now has 4 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, now named COVID-19. At least 24 other individuals are
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OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT__________________________________ March 11, 2020 Dear Talawanda Students, Families, and Community, Ohio now has 4 confirmed cases of Coronavirus, now named COVID-19. At least 24 other individuals are
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOhio Health Opens Call Center
The Ohio Department of Health has developed a call center to assist with questions and support regarding the COVID-19 virus. Just hours after this information was released to Ohio schools, it was reported that there are 3 confirmed COVID-19 cases in
Blog Entry Synopsis EndUpdate on COVID-19- 3/9/2020
TSD Parents: Governor DeWine tweeted today that there are 3 people who have tested positive for COVID-19 in Ohio. See the governor's tweet below. It's important to remember that thorough hand-washing helps to prevent the spread of illness!
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/6/2020
Kramer- E-news 3/6/2020 Happy Friday! It has been nice to see the sun shining this week. Thank you to all of the parents and families that attended conferences. Thank you to Katie Sayler, Carrie Schutte, Julie Schonlau, and Leigh
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/6/2020
Kramer- E-news 3/6/2020 Happy Friday! It has been nice to see the sun shining this week. Thank you to all of the parents and families that attended conferences. Thank you to Katie Sayler, Carrie Schutte, Julie Schonlau, and Leigh
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