Blog Entries - 2019
TSD BOE Passes Resolution regarding ED- CHOICE
TSD Board of Education Passes Resolution- Ed-Choice
The Talawanda Board of Education passed a resolution on Monday encouraging Ohio legislators to make changes to the Ed-Choice Program. See the resolution below...
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Ohio Ed-Choice- Frequently Asked Questions
Ohio Ed-Choice- Frequently Asked Questions In an effort to provide access to accurate information we'd like to share a link to the Ohio Department of Education's Frequently Asked Questions page regarding the many possible scenarios for the Ed-Choice
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOSBA- Ed-Choice Update Letter-Link
December 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights
December 2019- Board of Education Meeting Highlights BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR SESSION Talawanda High School 7:00 p.m. Executive Session 7:30 p.m. Public Session Mr. Mark Butterfield, President, Dr. Mary Jane Roberts, Vice President, Dr. Mike
Blog Entry Synopsis EndDecember 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights
December 2019- Board of Education Meeting Highlights BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR SESSION Talawanda High School 7:00 p.m. Executive Session 7:30 p.m. Public Session Mr. Mark Butterfield, President, Dr. Mary Jane Roberts, Vice President, Dr. Mike
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/13/19
Kramer- E-news 12/13/19 Happy Friday! This will be the last E-News before the holiday break. The students last day of school will be Friday, December 20, 2019. The students will return on Monday, January 6, 2020. MLK Art
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/13/19
Kramer- E-news 12/13/19 Happy Friday! This will be the last E-News before the holiday break. The students last day of school will be Friday, December 20, 2019. The students will return on Monday, January 6, 2020. MLK Art
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMLK Art EXPO Event
Kramer Enews 12/6/19
Kramer- E-news 12/6/19 Happy Friday! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Sign Up for Foreign Language for Grades 1 to 5 Morning and Afternoon Pick Up and Drop Off Reminders Please remember that students can enter the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/6/19
Kramer- E-news 12/6/19 Happy Friday! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving. Sign Up for Foreign Language for Grades 1 to 5 Morning and Afternoon Pick Up and Drop Off Reminders Please remember that students can enter the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLegal Notice- Ohio Department of Education
The State of Ohio, the Governor, the Ohio Department of Education, and other state-level defendants to a class action lawsuit have reached a proposed settlement and have requested our District's assistance in informing students and parents of the proposed
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLegal Notice- Proposed Class Action- Doe vs Ohio
The State of Ohio, the Governor, the Ohio Department of Education, and other state-level defendants to a class action lawsuit have reached a proposed settlement and have requested our District's assistance in informing students and parents of the proposed
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOCF Sock Drive Thru December 11th
Kramer Enews 11/22/19
Kramer- E-news 11/22/19 This will be the last E-news before Thanksgiving Break. Please remember that there is no school on Wednesday, November 27 through Sunday, December 1. Students return to school on Monday, December 2, 2019. We
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/22/19
Kramer- E-news 11/22/19 This will be the last E-news before Thanksgiving Break. Please remember that there is no school on Wednesday, November 27 through Sunday, December 1. Students return to school on Monday, December 2, 2019. We
Blog Entry Synopsis EndNovember BOE Meeting Highlights
THS Freshmen Class Fundraiser
The freshman class is currently fundraising with Yankee Candle for next year's homecoming dance and other class projects. The fundraiser is running an online clearance sale this weekend and our freshman class earns 40% of all sales. Please consider doing
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/15/19
Kramer- E-news 11/15/19 We hope you have had a great week. Report Cards Report Cards will go home on Friday, November 15th. House Bill 410 requires attendance be recorded by hours instead of days, therefore, you will see
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/15/19
Kramer- E-news 11/15/19 We hope you have had a great week. Report Cards Report Cards will go home on Friday, November 15th. House Bill 410 requires attendance be recorded by hours instead of days, therefore, you will see
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFCCLA Spirit Order
Kramer Enews 11/8/19
Kramer- E-news 11/8/19 Happy Friday! Miami Men’s Basketball Don’t forget that the Adopt-A-Redhawk Men’s Basketball game is tomorrow, November 9, 2019 at 2:00 pm. The Redhawks are taking on Wright State at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/8/19
Kramer- E-news 11/8/19 Happy Friday! Miami Men’s Basketball Don’t forget that the Adopt-A-Redhawk Men’s Basketball game is tomorrow, November 9, 2019 at 2:00 pm. The Redhawks are taking on Wright State at
Blog Entry Synopsis End2019 Talawanda School Board Election
Thank you to all of the candidates who ran in the Talawanda School Board race. Congratulations to Rebecca Howard, Chris Otto, and Kathleen Knight-Abowitz.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndNovember 18th- School Board Meeting
The TSD Board of Education Meeting is November 18, 2019.
One member did request a possible change in date at the last meeting, but another suitable date could not be found. The November 18, 2019 date for the meeting is still the correct date.
TSD BOE Meeting, 11/18/19, THS at 7:30pm.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/1/19
Kramer- E-news 11/1/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! Please remember that there is no school for students on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. This is a staff professional development day and voting is occuring in
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/1/19
Kramer- E-news 11/1/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! Please remember that there is no school for students on Tuesday, November 5, 2019. This is a staff professional development day and voting is occuring in
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/25/19
Kramer- E-news 10/25/19 TSD Communications Update from Holli Morrish Talawanda School District- Directory Opt-Out Form has been updated Per Board Policy 8330, the District has designated the following information about each student as "directory
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/25/19
Kramer- E-news 10/25/19 TSD Communications Update from Holli Morrish Talawanda School District- Directory Opt-Out Form has been updated Per Board Policy 8330, the District has designated the following information about each student as "directory
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOctober 2019-BOE Meeting Highlights
5 Year Trend Data- TSD Report Card
Kramer Enews 10/18/19
Kramer- E-news 10/17/19 Thank you to everyone that attended conferences this week. We would also like to thank the PTG and Kramer Conference Meal Committee of, Julie Schonlau and Carrie Shutte. Julie and Carrie lined up multiple volunteers. Thank
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/18/19
Kramer- E-news 10/17/19 Thank you to everyone that attended conferences this week. We would also like to thank the PTG and Kramer Conference Meal Committee of, Julie Schonlau and Carrie Shutte. Julie and Carrie lined up multiple volunteers. Thank
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/10/19
Kramer- E-news 10/10/19 Happy Thursday. Please remember that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, October 11, 2019 for Fall Break. Kramer Carnival We had an amazing turnout for the Kramer Carnival. Thank you to our 2019
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/10/19
Kramer- E-news 10/10/19 Happy Thursday. Please remember that there is no school tomorrow, Friday, October 11, 2019 for Fall Break. Kramer Carnival We had an amazing turnout for the Kramer Carnival. Thank you to our 2019
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/4/19
Kramer- E-news 10/4/19 Happy Friday! Please remember that there is no school next Friday, October 11, 2019 for Fall Break. Kramer Carnival The Kramer Carnival is tomorrow, October 5, 2019 from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. The Carnival
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 10/4/19
Kramer- E-news 10/4/19 Happy Friday! Please remember that there is no school next Friday, October 11, 2019 for Fall Break. Kramer Carnival The Kramer Carnival is tomorrow, October 5, 2019 from 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm. The Carnival
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCurriculum Presentation- September BOE Mtg
Kramer Enews 9/27/19
Kramer- E-news 9/27/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week. Kramer Carnival It's almost Kramer Carnival time! Kramer Carnival is Oct. 5, 2-5. The Carnival committee has been working hard to plan a fun & successful event
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 9/27/19
Kramer- E-news 9/27/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week. Kramer Carnival It's almost Kramer Carnival time! Kramer Carnival is Oct. 5, 2-5. The Carnival committee has been working hard to plan a fun & successful event
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 9/20/19
Kramer- E-news 9/20/19 Happy Friday! There is a PTG meeting on Monday evening at 7:00 pm in the Kramer cafeteria. Please join us to hear about the Kramer Carnival on October 5th. You can also find out ways to volunteer at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 9/20/19
Kramer- E-news 9/20/19 Happy Friday! There is a PTG meeting on Monday evening at 7:00 pm in the Kramer cafeteria. Please join us to hear about the Kramer Carnival on October 5th. You can also find out ways to volunteer at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Carnival - October 5th
Kramer Carnival - October 5th
Ohio Report Card- Spring 2018 Results
TSD- NEWS UPDATE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 13, 2019 2018-2019 Ohio Report Card Results: Talawanda School District received an overall Grade of a C, a one letter grade drop from the previous year. It’s disappointing news
Blog Entry Synopsis EndOhio Report Card- Spring 2018 Results
TSD- NEWS UPDATE: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - September 13, 2019 2018-2019 Ohio Report Card Results: Talawanda School District received an overall Grade of a C, a one letter grade drop from the previous year. It’s disappointing news
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 9/13/19
Kramer- E-news 9/13/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! We have a number of repeat items and a couple of new items. Mental Health Screener Teaching and Learning Director, Lindsey Gregg shared the following information about an
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 9/13/19
Kramer- E-news 9/13/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! We have a number of repeat items and a couple of new items. Mental Health Screener Teaching and Learning Director, Lindsey Gregg shared the following information about an
Blog Entry Synopsis EndDestination Imagination Sign Up Form
Kramer Enews 9/6/19
Kramer- E-news 9/6/19 Another great week in the books! We had a short week, but it was jammed pack with some great lessons and learning. New Elementary Report Card For the past year teachers, parents, and administrators have met to discuss
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 9/6/19
Kramer- E-news 9/6/19 Another great week in the books! We had a short week, but it was jammed pack with some great lessons and learning. New Elementary Report Card For the past year teachers, parents, and administrators have met to discuss
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/29/19
Kramer- E-news 8/29/19 We had a great week! Everyone is getting into their routines and procedures. Thank you to everyone for a great start to the school year. Reminder No School Students are not in school on Friday, August 30, 2019 for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/29/19
Kramer- E-news 8/29/19 We had a great week! Everyone is getting into their routines and procedures. Thank you to everyone for a great start to the school year. Reminder No School Students are not in school on Friday, August 30, 2019 for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndK-5 Report Card Changes
Kramer Enews 8/23/19
Kramer- E-news 8/23/19 The kindergarten and 1st grade students had a great 1st week of school! Our 2nd through 5th grade students are off to a great start. Kramer Parent Teacher Group (PTG) welcomes you to the 2019-20 school year. Our first
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/23/19
Kramer- E-news 8/23/19 The kindergarten and 1st grade students had a great 1st week of school! Our 2nd through 5th grade students are off to a great start. Kramer Parent Teacher Group (PTG) welcomes you to the 2019-20 school year. Our first
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD NEW Strategic Plan
August 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights
2019 Teckman Award
Congratulations to the Kramer 5th Grade Team- 2019 Teckman Award Recipients!
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/16/19
Kramer- E-news 8/16/19 We have had a great week! The 2nd through 5th graders are eager to learn and they are following the Kramer Code- Take Care of Myself, Take Care of Others and Take Care of Kramer. We are excited to see all of the kindergarten and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 8/16/19
Kramer- E-news 8/16/19 We have had a great week! The 2nd through 5th graders are eager to learn and they are following the Kramer Code- Take Care of Myself, Take Care of Others and Take Care of Kramer. We are excited to see all of the kindergarten and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLINK- Final Forms
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Kramer Enews August 9, 2019
Kramer- E-news 8/9/19 Welcome to the 2019-20 school year. The Kramer staff is looking forward to a great year. Here are a few reminders before school starts. Open House will be held on Tuesday, August 13th from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews August 9, 2019
Kramer- E-news 8/9/19 Welcome to the 2019-20 school year. The Kramer staff is looking forward to a great year. Here are a few reminders before school starts. Open House will be held on Tuesday, August 13th from 4:30-6:00 pm. Please
Blog Entry Synopsis EndJune 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights
June 2019 Regular Meeting- BOE Meeting Highlights TALAWANDA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR SESSION Talawanda High School 7:00 p.m. Executive Session 7:30 p.m. Public Session BOE Members:Mr. Mark Butterfield, President
Blog Entry Synopsis EndUPDATE: Preschool Opportunities Housed in TSD
TSD MEMO COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OFFICE · (513) 273-3209 May 21, 2019 Contact:Holli Morrish- Director Preschool Opportunities Housed In
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMay 2019- BOE Meeting Highlights
May 2019 Regular Meeting- BOE Meeting Highlights TALAWANDA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF EDUCATION REGULAR SESSION Talawanda High School 7:00 p.m. Executive Session 7:30 p.m. Public Session BOE Members:Mr. Mark Butterfield, President,
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/17/19
Kramer- E-news 5/17/19 This will be the last E-News for the 2018-19 school year. The staff at Kramer would like to thank you for a great year! Early Dismissal May 21, 22 and 23 THS will dismiss at 1:30 PM TMS at 1:45 PM Elementary at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/17/19
Kramer- E-news 5/17/19 This will be the last E-News for the 2018-19 school year. The staff at Kramer would like to thank you for a great year! Early Dismissal May 21, 22 and 23 THS will dismiss at 1:30 PM TMS at 1:45 PM Elementary at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/10/19
Kramer- E-news 5/10/19 COSI On Wheels *****We still need volunteers!!! Please see below: We are in need of volunteers to help run the stations for COSI on Wheels! Students come through each station to experience hands-on learning and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 5/10/19
Kramer- E-news 5/10/19 COSI On Wheels *****We still need volunteers!!! Please see below: We are in need of volunteers to help run the stations for COSI on Wheels! Students come through each station to experience hands-on learning and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndEarly Release- Last 3 Days of School
Early Release- Last 3 Days of School (May 21,22,23)
THS will dismiss at 1:30 PM, TMS at 1:45 PM, Elementary schools at 2:45 PM
Preschool Programs Housed in TSD
Talawanda School District would like to take this opportunity to provide some factual information regarding preschool programs that are housed in our elementary buildings. 1. The preschool program is a Butler County Program, and Talawanda is one of many
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCongratulations to Mrs. Aerni- NEW TMS Assistant Principal!
News Release COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OFFICE · (513) 273-3209 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -April 16, 2019 Contact:Holli Morrish- Director Cell:(513)
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCongratulations to Mrs. Aerni- NEW TMS Assistant Principal!
News Release COMMUNICATIONS & PUBLIC ENGAGEMENT OFFICE · (513) 273-3209 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE -April 16, 2019 Contact:Holli Morrish- Director Cell:(513)
Blog Entry Synopsis EndVideo Message from Dr. Theroux to staff/students during state testing season!
Kramer Enews 4/12/19
Kramer- E-news 4/12/19 TSD Spring Break Students in TSD will be on Spring Break starting next Friday, April 19, 2019. Students and staff will return to school on Monday, April 29, 2019. Butter Braids Pick up If you ordered Butter
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/12/19
Kramer- E-news 4/12/19 TSD Spring Break Students in TSD will be on Spring Break starting next Friday, April 19, 2019. Students and staff will return to school on Monday, April 29, 2019. Butter Braids Pick up If you ordered Butter
Blog Entry Synopsis End2019 Parent Satisfaction Survey
Parents please take a few minutes to complete this year's Parent Satisfaction Survey! We greatly appreciate your input and participation in helping to create and support an optimal educational environment for our students. Thank
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/5/2019
Kramer- E-news 4/5/19 The Ohio State Test will be given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students starting in April. All three grade levels will be testing next week. In order to help your child do their best on these test, be sure they get a goods
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 4/5/2019
Kramer- E-news 4/5/19 The Ohio State Test will be given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students starting in April. All three grade levels will be testing next week. In order to help your child do their best on these test, be sure they get a goods
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/29/19
Kramer- E-news 3/29/19 Happy Friday! The Ohio State Test will be given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students starting in April. Our 5th graders will kick off testing next week. In order to help your child do their best on these
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/29/19
Kramer- E-news 3/29/19 Happy Friday! The Ohio State Test will be given to our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade students starting in April. Our 5th graders will kick off testing next week. In order to help your child do their best on these
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMarch 2019-BOE Meeting Highlights
Mrs. Gregg has been named the Director of Teaching & Learning
Lindsey Gregg will be the NEW Director of Teaching & Learning! Talawanda is very pleased to announce that Mrs. Lindsey Gregg has been named the NEW Director of Teaching & Learning for Talawanda School District! She has served the past 4
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMarch 2019-BOE Meeting Highlights
Kramer Enews 3/22/19
Kramer- E-news 3/22/19 Happy Friday! There is a PTG meeting on Monday night at 7:00 pm in the Kramer cafeteria. Come out and hear the great things happening at Kramer. There are also volunteer opportunities. Summer
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/22/19
Kramer- E-news 3/22/19 Happy Friday! There is a PTG meeting on Monday night at 7:00 pm in the Kramer cafeteria. Come out and hear the great things happening at Kramer. There are also volunteer opportunities. Summer
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer News- Library Donation in Honor of Retired Teacher
Thank you to the friends & family of Lucy Ferris, former Kramer teacher,who recently donated many books to the Kramer Library in her honor. Mrs. Ferris was a long time teacher at Kramer, and a loyal volunteer for many years after she retired in 1991.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer News- Library Donation in Honor of Retired Teacher
Thank you to the friends & family of Lucy Ferris, former Kramer teacher,who recently donated many books to the Kramer Library in her honor. Mrs. Ferris was a long time teacher at Kramer, and a loyal volunteer for many years after she retired in 1991.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/15/19
Kramer- E-news 3/15/19 Happy Friday. I hope you have had a great week. We have a number of repeats for E-news this week. Summer School Collecting gently used books for Summer School! Send donations to the school office.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/15/19
Kramer- E-news 3/15/19 Happy Friday. I hope you have had a great week. We have a number of repeats for E-news this week. Summer School Collecting gently used books for Summer School! Send donations to the school office.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndHelpful Tips- Marijuana Edibles
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Cultural Night 2019
Upon arrival, guests will receive passports. Cultural booths will be in the gymnasium. Guests can experience a variety of activities such as Chinese Calligraphy, Origami, Henna tattoos and creating International flags out of Legos. The STEM staff
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCold/Flu Season Health Tips
March 11, 2019 Talawanda Parents: Cold and flu season continues to impact student health as we move into spring! Talawanda would like to share this reminder regarding helpful tips and strategies to help families during this cold weather
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/8/19
Kramer- E-news 3/8/19 Thank you to conference meal coordinator, Tina Bidwell for setting and picking up food for conference night. Thank you to all of the families that donated items. The staff at Kramer appreciates your
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/8/19
Kramer- E-news 3/8/19 Thank you to conference meal coordinator, Tina Bidwell for setting and picking up food for conference night. Thank you to all of the families that donated items. The staff at Kramer appreciates your
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/1/19
Kramer- E-news 3/1/19 Happy Friday! We have made it five straight days! School News and Information Report Cards are coming Today, 3/1/19. The report cards provide information on how your child is progressing with the various
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 3/1/19
Kramer- E-news 3/1/19 Happy Friday! We have made it five straight days! School News and Information Report Cards are coming Today, 3/1/19. The report cards provide information on how your child is progressing with the various
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFebruary 2019 BOE Meeting Highlights
Kramer Enews 2/22/19
Kramer- E-news 2/22/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! Parent Teacher Conference letters will be going home soon. Conference Dates are March 5th and 7th. Join the Miami University Women’s
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/22/19
Kramer- E-news 2/22/19 Happy Friday! We hope you have had a great week! Parent Teacher Conference letters will be going home soon. Conference Dates are March 5th and 7th. Join the Miami University Women’s
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/14/19
Kramer- E-news 2/14/19 Don’t forget that there is no school on Friday, February 15th and Monday, February 18th. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. Thank you to Jennifer Bulanda for running another
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/14/19
Kramer- E-news 2/14/19 Don’t forget that there is no school on Friday, February 15th and Monday, February 18th. Students return to school on Tuesday, February 19, 2019. Thank you to Jennifer Bulanda for running another
Blog Entry Synopsis EndJanuary 2019 - BOE Meeting Highlights
Kramer Enews 2/8/2019
Kramer- E-news 2/7/19 Well we were able to get a 5 day week in just in time for the next two weeks which are 4 day weeks because of no school on Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th. Thank you to Sam Naegle, Emily Ploetz and Bethany Smith for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/8/2019
Kramer- E-news 2/7/19 Well we were able to get a 5 day week in just in time for the next two weeks which are 4 day weeks because of no school on Friday the 15th and Monday the 18th. Thank you to Sam Naegle, Emily Ploetz and Bethany Smith for
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 1/25/19
Kramer- E-news 1/25/19 The Kramer PTG Mother/Son Dance is Saturday, January 26th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Please use these links: Ticket Info & Arcade Classic to access the information. Foreign Language starts Tuesday, January 29th.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 1/25/19
Kramer- E-news 1/25/19 The Kramer PTG Mother/Son Dance is Saturday, January 26th from 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm. Please use these links: Ticket Info & Arcade Classic to access the information. Foreign Language starts Tuesday, January 29th.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndWellness for TSD Students with a Comic Book!
Link to article in The Journal News...Rox the Fox Comic
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 1/18/19
Kramer- E-news 1/18/19 Happy Friday! Please remember there is no school for TSD on Monday, January 21, 2019 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. School News and Information This was a somber week for the Talawanda Community as we
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 1/18/19
Kramer- E-news 1/18/19 Happy Friday! Please remember there is no school for TSD on Monday, January 21, 2019 in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.. School News and Information This was a somber week for the Talawanda Community as we
Blog Entry Synopsis EndLoss of Beloved THS Staff Member/Coach
Kramer Enews 1/11/2019
Kramer- E-news 1/11/19 Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week! Thank you to everyone that attended the MU/Central Michigan basketball game this past Saturday. Thank you to the Miami Men’s Basketball team for adopting
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 1/11/2019
Kramer- E-news 1/11/19 Happy Friday! I hope you have had a great week! Thank you to everyone that attended the MU/Central Michigan basketball game this past Saturday. Thank you to the Miami Men’s Basketball team for adopting
Blog Entry Synopsis End