Blog Entries - February 2021
Kramer Enews 2/24/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/24/21 Happy Wednesday. We hope you’ve enjoyed the sunshine and warmer weather the last few days! Staff Vaccination Update The next staff vaccination is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, February 25th, and that
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/24/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/24/21 Happy Wednesday. We hope you’ve enjoyed the sunshine and warmer weather the last few days! Staff Vaccination Update The next staff vaccination is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, February 25th, and that
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Story Time with MU Athletes!
Thank you to Henry Beckett, and the Miami University Athletes that have put together a very special "read to children video program" named Redhawk Readers! This is a very heartfelt way to reach out to children during the isolation of the Covid-19
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/19/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/19/21 Happy Friday and thank you for being flexible again this week! I was able to jump into multiple Zoom sessions at different grade levels. The students and teachers did an amazing job. Thank you to all of the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/19/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/19/21 Happy Friday and thank you for being flexible again this week! I was able to jump into multiple Zoom sessions at different grade levels. The students and teachers did an amazing job. Thank you to all of the
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Calamity Day 6 & Beyond-Remote Learning Graphic
This graphic may serve as a helpful visual for the Calamity Day 6 & Beyond Remote Learning Scenarios.
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TSD Meal Distribution-TODAY

Remote Learner's Parade-POSTPONED
The Remote Learner's Parade, scheduled for Thursday, has been postponed due to weather.
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REMINDER- Regarding Day 6 Learning
TSD Parents & Students: The state of Ohio provides for 5 calamity days for public schools. These are days that can be used for unforeseen events, like severe weather, etc. These days do not have to be made up at the end of the school
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Congratulations to Dr. Roberts- OSBA Recognition Award
Congratulations to Dr. Roberts for being recognized as a 2021 OSBA Training Award winner. The Training Award is a distinct award and is part of our new STAR Awards Program—Service, Training, Aptitude and Recognition. This is the first year OSBA
Blog Entry Synopsis EndFood Program for NEXT WEEK!
UPDATE-TSD FOOD PROGRAM: The Food Program will distribute food next week on Tuesday February 16th. A winter storm has been predicted as well. If the weather proves to be too difficult on Tuesday, the staff will distribute food on Wednesday February
Blog Entry Synopsis EndStaff Vaccination Update
The next staff vaccination is scheduled for Thursday February 25th, and that will be an asynchronous school day. In addition, Friday February 26th will also be an asynchronous school day. The health data indicates that a significant number of
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/11/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/11/21 Happy Thursday, thank you for being flexible this week! I think we will have a roller coaster of weather next week too! As Dr. Theroux has shared, please have your plan, “B” ready for next
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/11/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/11/21 Happy Thursday, thank you for being flexible this week! I think we will have a roller coaster of weather next week too! As Dr. Theroux has shared, please have your plan, “B” ready for next
Blog Entry Synopsis EndMLK Virtual Art Exhibit Link
Thank you to the Oxford NAACP Chapter for the opportunity for TSD students and teachers to participate with submissions for the local MLK Event.
MLK Virtual Art Exhibit Slideshow
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TSD BOE Meeting- 2/8/21
The Talawanda Board of Education will host their regular monthly business meeting on Monday 2/8/2021 at 7pm. Please use the Zoom Webinar link if you are tuning in from home, AND wish to make a comment during public participation. Thank you
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/5/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/5/21 Happy Friday, we hope you have had a great week. Looking ahead, there is no school for students on Friday, February 12, 2021, and Monday, February 15, 2021. February 12th is a teacher professional development day and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 2/5/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 2/5/21 Happy Friday, we hope you have had a great week. Looking ahead, there is no school for students on Friday, February 12, 2021, and Monday, February 15, 2021. February 12th is a teacher professional development day and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndReminder- Low Temps & Winter Weather
REMINDER to TSD Parents: Low Temperatures and snow are predicted for the weekend and next week. Student safety is very important, and we want to remind parents to check the weather, and to make sure students are dressed warm. During very low
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD Food Program- FOR 2/2/21
The TSD food distribution that would have taken place today (Feb 1) at Bogan, Kramer and Marshall from 2:15-2:45 p.m. will now take place tomorrow, Tuesday, February 2nd.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndK-8 Virtual Foreign Language Website
Foreign Language- Virtual Program- WEBSITE To access the Talawanda After School Foreign Language Program website and ZOOM links, students will need to log in on their device using their Talawanda email accounts. The emails
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