Blog Entries - December 2017
BOE December Meeting Highlights
Kramer Enews 12/15/17
Happy Friday! This will be the last e-news for 2017. The first day of winter break is Thursday, December 21, 2017. Students first day back will be Thursday, January 4th, 2017. We hope you have a great holiday break and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/15/17
Happy Friday! This will be the last e-news for 2017. The first day of winter break is Thursday, December 21, 2017. Students first day back will be Thursday, January 4th, 2017. We hope you have a great holiday break and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/8/17
Happy Friday! The weather is getting cooler. If your child needs assistance with hats, gloves, coat or any other items, please contact the Kramer office and ask to speak to, Nurse Dena or Jason Merz. We will be happy to assist you.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/8/17
Happy Friday! The weather is getting cooler. If your child needs assistance with hats, gloves, coat or any other items, please contact the Kramer office and ask to speak to, Nurse Dena or Jason Merz. We will be happy to assist you.
Blog Entry Synopsis End