Blog Entries - November 2022
Kramer Enews 11/18/22
Kramer Enews 11/18/22 School News and Information Happy Thanksgiving Kramer Families! Just a reminder that there is no school starting Wednesday November 23. We will resume classes on Monday November 28, 2022. The weather is
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/11/22
Kramer Enews 11/11/22 School News and Information I know that we have a number of Veteran’s in our Kramer family. Thank you to all of the men and women who have served our country. Thank you to our Kramer/TSD veterans, Mr. Rucker, Mr.
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD Lunch Debt Policy
Charge Policy: Outstanding Lunch Balances Students may only borrow for reimbursable meals, breakfast and/or lunch. Students are expected to repay this charge within the next school day, with a maximum of $10 outstanding. If a student has
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD Elementary Class @ the Court Event- November 11th
Class at the Court- 2022 On Friday, November 11, our students once again have the fantastic opportunity to attend the Miami University Women’s basketball game “Class at the Court” at Millett Hall during the school day. Thanks to the
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/4/22
Kramer Enews 11/4/22 School News and Information Happy Friday and happy November! The school year is flying by! Don’t forget to fall back this weekend. Looking ahead, don’t forget that there is no school for
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