Blog Entries - November 2021
Marshall Dismissal Delay 11/19/21
11/19/21- 4:18pm Two accidents that are unrelated to one another or the district, occurred in close proximity to the dismissal time at Marshall Elementary today. The cars and emergency vehicles are blocking TSD buses coming in or out of the school
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/19/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 11/19/21 Happy Friday! This will be the last E-News before Thanksgiving break. We have school on Monday and Tuesday next week. There is no school starting Wednesday, November 24, 2021. Students return on Monday,
Blog Entry Synopsis EndTSD Legal Notice- Design/Work Services Needed
The Talawanda City School District Board of Education is seeking professional design services consisting of engineering design, bid process, and project observation for an HVAC project involving the repair/replacement of the existing 75,000 CFM Air Handling
Blog Entry Synopsis EndButler County Vaccine Clinic Information
Kramer Enews 11/12/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 11/12/21 Happy Friday! We are truly experiencing Ohio weather. AC was on in some homes this week and now the heat is on! It looks like a chilly weekend, enjoy! Butler County Vaccine Clinic Here is a list of Butler
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/5/21
KRAMER E-NEWS 11/5/21 Happy Friday and happy November! We have had a great week this week. Only a few new items for this week. Thank you to everyone that donated cereal to the Oxford Kiwanis Food Drive. We
Blog Entry Synopsis EndCalamity Days/Winter Weather Reminders
Inclement Weather/Delays/School Closings: As colder weather begins...please take a moment to update your child's Final Forms if any of your contact information has changed. It is important as we move towards a time of year when we may have
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