Blog Entries - November 2017
November Board Meeting Summary
Kramer Enews 12/1/17
Happy Friday! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving break. Thank you to Missy Friede from Century 21 and Associates for sponsoring another successful Kids Night Out. Thank you Missy for taking care of the students at Kramer and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 12/1/17
Happy Friday! We hope you had a great Thanksgiving break. Thank you to Missy Friede from Century 21 and Associates for sponsoring another successful Kids Night Out. Thank you Missy for taking care of the students at Kramer and
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/17/17
Happy Friday! This will be the last e-news before the Thanksgiving break. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving break begins on, Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Students return on Monday, November 28, 2017. Report cards
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/17/17
Happy Friday! This will be the last e-news before the Thanksgiving break. I hope you have a great Thanksgiving! Thanksgiving break begins on, Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Students return on Monday, November 28, 2017. Report cards
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/10/17
Happy Friday! We have a short version of E-news for this week. Looking ahead, Thanksgiving break begins on, Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Students return on Monday, November 28, 2017. We have a, Little Free Library located at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/10/17
Happy Friday! We have a short version of E-news for this week. Looking ahead, Thanksgiving break begins on, Wednesday, November 22, 2017. Students return on Monday, November 28, 2017. We have a, Little Free Library located at
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/3/2017
Happy Friday! Reminder- No school for students on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. November 7th is a staff professional development day and the building will be used for polling. John Buchholz shared the following information about paving: Paving on
Blog Entry Synopsis EndKramer Enews 11/3/2017
Happy Friday! Reminder- No school for students on Tuesday, November 7, 2017. November 7th is a staff professional development day and the building will be used for polling. John Buchholz shared the following information about paving: Paving on
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